Week 6

Walking in Grand Central
Grand central.
Me in New York
Posing seductively in New York.

During the weekend, we discovered that the proofs from Radim contained mistakes. It was bad. We tried to do something about it, but we failed.

To rest from all the math, we decided that we will visit Washington (D.C., not the actual state or the dead person). We had good experiences with night rides from New York. So we bought our tickets to 3:30am on Sunday.

Because of some programming competition, Jarda went earlier to New York. Then I wanted to go with Vašek, but I had to do my workout. I tried to do it as fast as possible, but Vašek left during it, and I had to go to the shower.

Running in the middle of College Ave. I realized that the shower was pointless. I was wet as I got from it. Starring at the empty New Brunswick platform, I realized that even running was pointless. Train and Vašek were gone. So I had 40 minutes to contemplate about the pointlessness of life, my mistakes, and how to find Vašek.

I messaged him, but he didn't replied. So I decided to do some sightseeing in New York on my own. During the day, my main hobby was to imagine post-apocalyptic New York. How would look clans in New York if the society collapsed? I really thought it through, my favorite clan would be Defenders of the High Line. My second favorite would be The Battery Park Battalion...

New York was nice, but the adventures happen after midnight. I gave up sightseeing and settled near Madison Square Garden to read. While I was reading the first chapter, some woman was changing clothes... mildly said. "Ok, this is a different culture, probably it is fine." And I continued reading.

While I was reading the second chapter, some weird guy appeared. He didn't bother me but went to other guys seated in front of me. He looked like a beggar, but weird. He whispered something to the other guy. He replied. The only thing I cathed was "You" and "cocaine". When he nodded and gave them money and received one bag in return.

I haven't read the third chapter there. I did quick computation and linear regression in my head. The only thing that could be more interesting than the other would be shooting, and I don't want to be there during shooting.

Unfortunately, later I realized that the logical progression was: sex, drugs and rock'n'roll.

So I slowly walked to the Time square and played chess there. I won and because of that world was beautiful.

Even guys in pose I would describe as typical New York pose were bearable. A typical New York pose is when you are lying on the pavement and have one hand in your pants (not protecting your wallet thought, probably protecting something more important).

Washington was also nice. We only didn't understand one thing, why is Capitol closed on Sunday. We spend a lot of time in museums. They were free! In Washington, there are very nice, polite security guys. As we were falling asleep in various places, they only softly reminded us that we shouldn't sleep there. Otherwise, we will be beaten. So if you weren't, you should go and sleep there in the park!

In front of the White House
Looking like stateman in front of the White House.